Talent Discovery and Development
Get your regular dose of inspiration from this corner to keep you fired up in your pursuit of excellence.
RegisterWith all the social media apps available in this day and age we cannot limit interactions again to just physical interactions. Strategic Global Mentorship mentoring platforms goes beyond physical interactions between mentors and mentees. We also have online platforms that facilitate interactions between mentors and mentees.
SGM has a Telegram group and community where people with like minds share thought provoking ideas that inspire you on your journey to the pursuit of excellence. Members of these esteemed community get to get daily food for thought and inspiration for the soul that is essential to build stamina on your journey on the road to excellence.
Participants are able to ask questions from the mentors running the platform and be confident that their questions will be answered and attended to.
Participants are able to ask questions from the mentors running the platform and be confident that their questions will be answered and attended to.
Group Rules & Regulations
Focus on the subject matter
Be polite in your posts and responses
Send your posts as one full thought instead of a series of continuous messages
Profanity is prohibited
You agree to receive a direct message warning for any material or message deemed inappropriate. After a second offense, participant will be suspended. After a 3rd office, participant will be removed from group
Disagreements should be addressed in direct message not on the group chat. Aggrieved members should discuss their grievances with admin using private messaging
Contact admin first for permission to call members unknown to you stating reasons for the call and to obtain consent of the other member
Contact admin first for permission to call members unknown to you stating reasons for the call and to obtain consent of the other member
All telephone numbers remain private and should not be shared or given out to non-members
Contact admin first for permission to call members unknown to you stating reasons for the call and to obtain consent of the other members
481,Bourder Drive K1E3K1 Orlean, Ontario, Ottawa
Tel: +1-613-618-4557
Tel: +1-613-618-4557
Email: info@strategicglobalpartnership.com